
Psychosocial support is the one service universally provided by Lifting Hands Community Empowerment Initiative to all OVC and their guardians, sexually Assaulted and gender based violence victims, teenage pregnant mothers and to those with chronic medical conditions like Cancer, HIV/AIDs, hypertension and diabetes among others.   .

We offer orphans and vulnerable children and aging caregivers (grandmothers) emotional and spiritual support. The kind of emotional and spiritual care given to children addresses the heavy loss, grief, fear and emotional disturbance that children face as a result of extreme situations of taking care of their ailing parents and seeing them die and later on take up family responsibilities, and violence which may include death of immediate family member, and some of whom witness these horrifying crimes.

We also address the emotional concerns of most grandmothers particularly those living in households with chronically ill biological children and grand children and those who lost their beloved children to HIV/AIDS.

Our community based psychosocial support services include:

  • Mental, health counseling.
  • Family care and support through our Care and support project; bereavement preparedness.
  • Provision of recreational equipment for children through our vibrant Games and sports project.
  • Community involvement through awareness raising around HIV/AIDS and the prevention of stigma and discrimination.